Other information

What shall I do:

Everyone is welcome to our church. We strive to faithfully uphold the traditions handed down by the Holy Fathers in the conduct of our holy services in the parish. However, it's essential to be aware that if you are an Orthodox visitor, you must seek the blessing of our priest before participating in the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Every Orthodox Christian should be adequately prepared and carry a letter from their confessor (spiritual father) granting them blessing and permission to partake in Holy Communion. Please note that the recommendation letter can be sent via email and include the appropriate documentation confirming good canonical standing. Without this letter, you will not be permitted to receive Holy Communion, with the exception of children under 9 years old.

Of course, the participation to the Holy Mysteries of Christ is reserved only for the Orthodox Christians! All other visitors, are welcome to participate to the service, but without any exception, are not allowed to participate to the Holy Communion! 

If you have any question, please contact us via E-mail (stcatherinelubbock@outlook.com)  or phone!

Regarding dress code:

Please keep in mind that we also expect a proper dress code for visiting our church. Married women shall cover their head with a scarf. Men are not allowed to wear shorts pants. 

Regarding other useful information:

"Please keep in mind that you are entering a church, and we expect from you, whether you are a parishioner or a visitor, to observe the correct form of behavior. It is not allowed to talk during services or disturb other faithful, unless it is an emergency. Chewing gum, bringing drinks, or food inside the chapel is also not permitted."

How do we socialize in the church?

After every Sunday Divine Liturgy (unless otherwise communicated), a coffee hour takes place in our trapeza. An important rule and code of good behavior is that nobody can start eating until the priest blesses the present people and the food.

Be respectful to everyone and always be thankful to God for all His mercies upon you!